John Pathic was born 1987 in Somalia in the city Mogadischu and came with his family to Germany at the age of 4.
It didn't take long, before his parent’s recognized that he had too much energy and they were looking for a hobby for him to work off energy. He started to play table tennis at the age of 6 at the Table Tennis Club "Rot-Weiß/Red-White" in Biebrich. His couch recognized his high potential immediately and supported him. With the talent and commitment of John Pathic the Club was champion in the state of Hesse two years in a row.
There were some days, table tennis wasn't enough for him and by a happy coincidence he started with artistry.
A very close friend of the family watched him by trying to turn somersaults. She recommended him to go to the circus school of Farij Dumirtu to improve his skills. After the first lesson he was fascinated by the World of Circus.
Each day after school he practiced with the other kids and with 10 years he was on stage for the first time.Very nervous but likeable he moderated a show that was also aired on TV.
After graduation the serious side of life began and he had to stop practising at the circus school and to start a vocational training as "Karosserieinstandsetzer" (Restoration of vehicle bodies).
At the same time he started to play soccer in the district league and his team won an award after another. Finally John Pathic was nominated for the national league and the dream to become a professional soccer player was very close.
Unfortunately after a serious injury at his foot it was him forbidden to play soccer any more and his dream was over.
From the vantage point of the present the injury wasn't that bad, because John Pathic came back to artistry, for what his heart truly beat. After his vocational training, he knew that he will never be happy in his job and he started an apprenticeship at the Circus School of his childhood. He excelled through all areas of artistry like dance, acrobatics, juggling and clownery.